Ribbon Mixer used in pharmaceutical industry

Ribbon mixer

Ribbon Mixer used in pharmaceutical industry


What is the Ribbon Blender ?

The ribbon mixer is a material mixing machine that can mix a variety of materials together to achieve a specific mixing ratio. The ribbon mixer consists of a mixing chamber composed of a ribbon. The ribbon is supported by a support frame and a driving mechanism.

The support frame is composed of a roller, a bearing, a support shaft and a support wheel. The driving mechanism is composed of a motor, a reducer and a transmission shaft.

What is the Ribbon Blender Working Principle ?

The working principle of the Ribbon Blender is that the materials of various components enter the mixer after calculation according to the formula proportion, and the materials are mixed under the push of the ribbon-shaped spiral blades. The outer spiral belt pushes the material from one end to the other, and the inner spiral belt makes the material move in the opposite direction. The inner layer of material is pushed to one side and rolls inward and outward, and the outer layer of material is pushed to the other side and then rolls from the inside out. Rolling from outside to inside. During the convection process, the two material flows penetrate each other and mix. They are mixed again during the tumbling process on both sides. This is repeated many times. Finally, the uniformly mixed material is discharged from the discharge door through the discharge control mechanism.

What is the Advantage of the Ribbon Blender using in Pharmaceutical Industry ?


1. Good mixing effect: The ribbon mixer uses the interaction between the spiral blades and the cylinder to continuously turn and roll the mixed materials to achieve uniform mixing. Compared with traditional manual mixing and some traditional mixing equipment, the ribbon mixer can mix various medicinal materials and ingredients more effectively, and the mixing effect is more uniform.


2. Easy operation and high work efficiency: The operation of the ribbon mixer is very simple. You only need to put various materials into the machine according to the proportion, and the equipment will automatically start the mixing process. Moreover, the ribbon mixer is very efficient and can quickly mix large quantities of medicinal materials and ingredients. It can also maintain the quality of the mixed medicinal materials and ensure that the active ingredients of the medicinal materials are not destroyed.


3. Save time and reduce costs: When mixing medicinal materials, the ribbon mixer can complete a large amount of work in a short time. Compared with the traditional manual mixing method, the ribbon mixer can not only save time, but also reduce the cost of the enterprise. This is very beneficial for pharmaceutical companies